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grudni hirurg

Prof. dr Dragan Subotić

Prof. dr Dragan Subotić
grudni hirurg

Prof. dr Dragan Subotić

Radno mesto / Radno iskustvo

  • Prof. dr Dragan Subotić je poslednje dve godine radio kao grudni hirurg u Univerzitetskoj klinici u Bazelu (Švajcarska). Prethodno je u periodu od  januara 2013. do decembra 2016. Prof. Subotić bio direktor Klinike za grudnu hirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije, gde je od 1996 bio načelnik odelenja.  
  • Specijalizaciju iz grudne hirurgije završio je 1989, a magisterijum iz pulmologije 1994, kada je izabran za asistenta na Medicinskom fakultetu u Beogradu.  U zvanje  docenta na Medicinskom fakultetu u Beogradu izabran je 2001, vanrednog profesora 2008, a redovnog 2014.
  • Prof. Subotic je u periodu 2008-2011. bio član rukovodstva torakalnog domena Evropske asocijacije za kardiotorakalnu hirurgiju European Association for Cardiothoracic  Surgery (EACTS).
  • Posle dugogodišnjeg aktivnog učesca u aktivnostima grupe za grudnu hirurgiju Evropskog respiratornog udruženja (ERS), izabran je za rukovodioca ove naučne grupe 2013. sa trogodisnjim mandatom.
  • Prof. Subotic je održao više predavanja po pozivu na međunarodnim kongresima i poslediplomskim kursevima, a bio je i predavač po pozivu i na Bergamo school of cardiothoracic surgery Evropske asocijacije za kardiotorakalnu hirurgiju (EACTS).
  • Kao autor i koautor Prof. Subotic ima 70 radova (u prilogu) objavljenih in extenso u časopisima indeksiranim u Pubmed u, a najveći broj i u Current contents u i Science citation index u (SCI).  
  • Objavio je knjigu o hirurškom lečenju karcinoma pluća koja je prihvaćena kao publikacija namenjena poslediplomskom usavršavanju lekara  na Medicinskom fakultetu u Beogradu. Urednik je Evropske monografije o hirurškom lečenju infekcija pluća i pleure (2013), a autor je više poglavlja u međunarodnim monografijama i udžbenicima, kao npr. Light Textbook of pleural diseases (međunarodno prihvaćen udženik za pleuralnu patologiju), EMBARC manual o lečenju bronhiektazija Evropskog respiratornog udruženja, Tips and tricks in thoracic surgery, Britanskog udruženja grudnih hirurga.
  • Oblast svakodnevne kliničke aktivnosti Prof. Subotic obuhvata invazivnu dijagnostiku i hirurško lečenje obolenja i povreda pluća, plućne maramice (pleure), sredogruđa i zida grudnog koša, uključujući standardne, proširene i rekonstruktivne zahvate na plućima, disajnim putevima i zidu grudnog koša.

Lekar specijalista grudne hirurgije

Stručna usavršavanja

  • Godišnji kongres Evropskog respiratornog udruženja (ERS), Stockholm, 2002: “Palliative operations for lung cancer”.
  • Godišnji kongres Ruskog respiratornog udruženja, St. Petersburg 2004: 1) Patophysiology of pneumothorax and 2) Surgical treatment in patients with limited lung function  
  • ERS congress, Kopenhagen, 2005: ”Lung resection in presence of infection”.
  • ERS kongres Minhen, 2006: ”Updated management of bronchiectasis – Indications and results of resectional surgery for limited disease”.
  • EACTS Toolkit course, Prag, 2007: 1) Basics in pleural physiology and pleural liquid turnover; 2) secondary pneumothorax.  
  • EACTS postgraduate kurs Lisabon, 2008: „How a surgeon can help with air leaks in the ICU“.
  • ERS eksterni kurs o karcinomu pluća, Leuven (Belgque), 2008: dva predavanja na temu karcinoma pluća
  • EACTS Bergamo school  2010: hirurško lečenje pleuropulmonalnih infekcija
  • Godišnji kongres rumunskog udruženja grudnih hirurga 2011: proširene resekcije pluća
  • Međunarodni kongres grudnih hirurga, St. Petersburgu 2012: tri predavanja i hirurgija uživo – proširena resekcija zbog karcinoma pluća  
  • EACTS postgraduate kurs Barcelona, 2012: „Empyema-difficult cases.  
  • EACTS kongres u Beču 2013. predavanje u okviru PG kursa: Infections of the lungs and pleura
  • EACTS eksterni kurs (u saradnji sa ERS) o pleuropulmonalnim infekcijama i nemalignim oboljenjima: Beograd 2014.
  • Godišnji kongres rumunskog udruženja grudnih hirurga (Timisoara 2014)
  • EACTS eksterni kurs (u saradnji sa ERS) o pleuropulmonalnim infekcijama i nemalignim oboljenjima: Sofia 2015.
  • ERS kongres London 2016.: predavanje po pozivu: stage III empyema: what about underlying disease?
  • EACTS kongres Barcelona 2016: predavanje po pozivu: Surgery for aspergilloma

Izabrane reference (24/70 radova u Pubmed-u)

  1. Subotic D, Hojski A, Wiese M, Lardinois D. Use of stapler and adverse events in thoracic surgery. J Thorac Dis. 2019 May;11(Suppl 9):S1216-S1221.
  2. D. Subotic, M. Wiese, A. Hojski, D. Lardinois. Surgical Repair of the Postoperative Lung Hernia by Combining Mesh Interposition and Chest Wall Stabilization by Using Synthes Plates: A Novel Technique. Case Rep Surg. 2019 Apr 7;2019:2107083. doi: 10.1155/2019/2107083.
  3. D. Subotic et al. Repeated Synchronous Aspiration and Ingestion of a Sharp Metallic Foreign Body in a Mentally Disabled Adolescent. Case Rep Surg 2019 Jan 23;2019:1296061. doi: 10.1155/2019/1296061
  4. D. Subotic, D. Lardinois, A. Hojski. Minimally invasive thoracic surgery for empyema. Breathe 2018 Dec;14(4):302-310.
  5. Rich AL, Baldwin DR, Beckett P, Berghmans T, Boyd J, Faivre-Finn C, Galateau-Salle F, Gamarra F, Grigoriu B, Hansen NG, Hardavella G, Jakobsen E, Jovanovic D, Konsoulova A, Massard G, McPhelim J, Meert AP, Milroy R, Mutti L, Paesmans M, Peake MD, Putora PM, de Ruysscher DKM, Sculier JP, Scherpereel A, Subotic DR, Van Schil P, Blum TG. ERS statement on harmonised standards for lung cancer registration and lung cancer services in Europe. Eur Respir J 2018 Dec 20;52(6).
  6. Bibby AC, Dorn P, Psallidas I, Porcel JM, Janssen J, Froudarakis M, Subotic D, Astoul P, Licht P, Schmid R, Scherpereel A, Rahman NM, Maskell NA, Cardillo G. ERS/ESTS statement on the management of malignant pleural effusion. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2019 Jan 1;55(1):116-132.
  7. Massard G, Tabin N, Mitchell S, Batirel H, Brunelli A, Elia S, Frick A, Huertgen M, Lerut A, Molins L, Papagiannopoulos K, Subotic D, van Schil P, Varela G, van Raemdonck D.  harmonised European training syllabus for thoracic surgery: report from the ESTS/ERS task force group.
  8. D. Subotic, L. Molins et al. Completion pneumonectomy: a valuable option for lung cancer recurrence or new primaries. W J Surg Oncol 2018 May 28;16(1):98.
  9. Subotic D, Van Schil P, Grigoriu B. Optimizing treatment for postoperative lung cancer recurrence. Eur Respir J. 2016 Feb;47(2):374-8.
  10. Subotic D, Yablonskiy P, Sulis G, Cordos I, Petrov D, Centis R, D'Ambrosio L, Sotgiu G, Migliori GB. Surgery and pleuro-pulmonary tuberculosis: a scientific literature review. J Thorac Dis. 2016 Jul;8(7):E474-85.
  11. Subotic D, Mikovic Z, Atanasijadis N, Savic M, Moskovljevic D, Subotic D. Hormona;l therapy after the operation for catamenial pneumothorax: is it always necessary? J Cardiothorac Surg. 2016 Apr 14;11(1):66.
  12. D. Subotic, M. Savic, N. Atanasijadis et al. Standard versus extended pneumonectomy for lung cancer: what really matters? W J Surg oncol 2014; 12: 248.
  13. M. Ercegovac, D. Subotic, V. Zugic et al. Postoperative complications do not influence the pattern of early lung function recovery after lung resection for lung cancer in patients at risk.J Cardiothorac Surg 2014; 9: 92.
  14. D. Subotic, D. Petrov, M. Gajic. Lung resection for lung cancer after pleural empyema. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2013; 61: 612-18.
  15. D. Subotic, R. Stevic, M. Gajic, R. Vesovic. Diaphragm motion and lung function prediction in patients operated for lung cancer – a pilot study on 27 patients. J Cardiothorac Surg 2013; 8: 213.  
  16. Subotic D, Van Schil P. Spontaneous pneumothorax: remaining controversies. Minerva chirurgica 2011; 66: 347-60.
  17. Subotich D, Mandarich D, Milisavljevich M, Filipovich B, Nikolich V. Variations of pulmonary vessels: Some practical implications for lung resections. Clinical Anatomy 2009; 22(6): 698-705.
  18. Subotic D, Mandaric D, Radosavljevic G, Stojsic J, Gajic M. Lung finction changes and complications after lobectomy for lung cancer in septuagenarians. Annals of Thoracic Medicine  2009; 4(2): 54-59.
  19. Subotic D, Mandaric D, et al. Influence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on postoperative lung function and complications in patients undergoing operations for primary non–small cell lung cancer. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery 2007; 134 (5): 1293-8.
  20. Subotich D, Mandarich D, Giroux D, Andrich Lj, Eminovich T, Atanasijadis N. Sleeve-pneumonectomy for lung cancer – survival and complications (single-center experience with 42 patients). Acta chirurgica belgica 2007; 107: 515-23.
  21. Subotich D, Mandarich D: Accidentally created tension pneumothorax in patient with primary spontaneous pneumothorax- confirmation of the experimental studies, putting into question the classical explanation. Medical hypotheses 2005; 64: 170-3.
  22. Subotich D, Mandarich D, Gajich M., Vukcevich M. Uncertainties in the current understanding of gas exchange in spontaneous pneumothorax: effective lung ventilation may persist in a smaller- sized pneumothorax. Medical hypotheses 2005; 64: 1144-9.
  23. Bulajich B, Subotich D. et al: Influence of atmospheric pressure, outdoor temperature and weather phases on the onset of spontaneous pneumothorax. Annals of epidemiology 2005; 15(3): 185-190.
  24. Subotich D, Mandarich D, Katchar V, Bulajich B, Drndarski B. Lung resection for primary bronchial carcinoma in a patient with complete situs inversus. Clinical anatomy 2006; 19(4): 358-62.

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